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The art of using essential oils

Write By: admin Published In: Pure Essential Oils Created Date: 2014-04-02 Hits: 1456 Comment: 0

Fill your home with the aromas of essential oils to enhance your personal wellbeing and that of the whole family.

The art of using essential oils to benefit wellbeing is an ancient practice. Evidence dates back to mummification more than 3000 years old when the Egyptians use essential oils for the preservation of their corpses. Aromatherapy today is fusion of some old techniques with a comtemporary twist. Research has shown that different oils have different capabilities. For example, Rosemary essential oil has a clear, refreshing herbal aroma. Steam distilled from the flowering tops, the crisp scent is great for stimulating the brain and improving memory. Ideal for cleansing products, it eases congestion and tones the skin. It also supports the respiratory system and can alleviate stiff, aching muscles when used in massage applications.

Peppermint Oil for instance is widely used in the treatment of Irritabale Bowel Symdrome(IBS) based on good clinical evidence.

When to use essential oils ? If you are working at home, you may consider burning oil that is quite uplifting & energising (Lemon, Rosemary, Lemongrass, Bergamot) and at night burn something relaxing (Lavender,clary sage) that helps to sleep.

Note: we recommend you to burn essentail oils with our Aromatherapy Multi-light (LED) Electric Vaporiser (no water is required).


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