Natural Beeswax Honey Candles Purify the Air

Created By : 26-Jun-2014 Write By: admin Published In: Scented Candles Hits: 2305 Comment: 0

Natural Beeswax Honey Candles Purify the Air

The candles are all cotton-wicked, 100% pure, beeswax. The "natural" yellow beeswax color that still retains bits of pollen, honey or other residues.

Scents to enjoy while on holiday

Created By : 15-Jul-2014 Write By: admin Published In: Scented Candles Hits: 1468 Comment: 0

Let us recommend the scented products to bring along while you are on holiday (getting the most out of your vacation!)

Simply Lemongrass

Created By : 28-Jan-2015 Write By: admin Published In: Scented Candles Hits: 1509 Comment: 0

One of our most popular scents - Lemongrass. It is to refresh, uplift and stimulate.