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Top priority is the safefy of the skin health

Write By: admin Published In: Face, Hand & Body Created Date: 2014-04-01 Hits: 1392 Comment: 0

Do you know what are the ten additive-free in producing the Karing Kiring Moisturizer Cleansing Gel?

Here are ten additive-free: Synthetic fragrance, Mineral oil, Petroleumn surfactants, Ethanol, Synthetic preservatives, Petrochemical artificial colourings, Acrylic viscocities, Synthetic polymers, Antioxidant, and toxic comestic ingredients.

Karing Kiring Moistuizer Cleansing Gel product (Made in Japan) has accomplised over 90% people's satisfaction and over hundreds people for test product.

It is blended 52 botanical and herbal extracts for serum.



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