A Fragrant Wedding

Created By : 26-Jun-2015 Write By: admin Published In: Pot Pourri Hits: 1315 Comment: 0

One of the most powerful senses is the sense of smell. At Scent Moments we believe that fragrance has the power to create memories and provide a journey to a desired state of mine, from up-lifting to focused, seductive to restful.

Scent & Sensibility

Created By : 11-May-2015 Write By: admin Published In: Scented Sachets Hits: 1494 Comment: 0

Our products are featured in the May Issue of Wedding & Lifestyle Magazine-it is also available in the Apple app store, Google Play Store and Magster.

A well-written ariticle "Scent & Sensibility" by Lim May Ling tells you what are the essentials of home fragrance when decorating your home and your life with aromatherapy essential oils and fragrance.

Look for a seller with the ability to provide sound information and advice to ensure your money is well-spent.

Spending time with aromatherapy-grade essential oils

Created By : 28-Apr-2015 Write By: admin Published In: Pure Essential Oils Hits: 1296 Comment: 0

We are so happy to promote Gumleaf Essentials Oils! Here's why...