Natural Beeswax Honey Candles Purify the Air

Created By : 26-Jun-2014 Write By: admin Published In: Scented Candles Hits: 1836 Comment: 0

Natural Beeswax Honey Candles Purify the Air

The candles are all cotton-wicked, 100% pure, beeswax. The "natural" yellow beeswax color that still retains bits of pollen, honey or other residues.

Aromtheraphy can be useful in reducing water retention.

Created By : 11-Jun-2014 Write By: admin Published In: Pure Essential Oils Hits: 1312 Comment: 0

Aromatherapy can be useful in reducing water retention. It stimulates the lymphatic system and encourages fluid drainage.

Are you getting ready for haze season?

Created By : 28-May-2014 Write By: admin Published In: Pure Essential Oils Hits: 1654 Comment: 0

The haze that is expected to hit Singapore in the coming months (June onwards) could go on for as long as three months...
What type of essential oils are good for you?