The perfect oil to suit every style of massage

Created By : 05-May-2014 Write By: admin Published In: Certified Massage Oils Hits: 1531 Comment: 0

Introduce SPA INC. massage oils to your salon/home today!

Matching massage to suit your personal needs is an art form.  Texture, viscosity, slip and aroma are equally important. The SPA INC range offers a varity of oils to suite very application.

Exploring Aromatherapy-Aromatherapy is an incredibly vast and rich field.

Created By : 05-Apr-2014 Write By: admin Published In: Pure Essential Oils Hits: 1248 Comment: 0

Understanding the general safety precautions on essential oils is important when you begin to use essential oils.

Read the ingredients used in your skin care products!

Created By : 03-Apr-2014 Write By: admin Published In: Face, Hand & Body Hits: 1500 Comment: 0

At Scent Moments, we strive to always find the sources that produce the most pure oils & skin care products in the world, to give you the best choices and experience.